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TandemCentaur - And Other Well Thunk Stand-up Comedyish Ironic Stuff Thinked up by the Comedy

Klikkaukset: 272, verkkosivu lisätty: Jun 30, 2015
TandemCentaur - And Other Well Thunk Stand-up Comedyish Ironic Stuff Thinked up by the Comedy
TandemCentaur - And Other Well Thunk Stand-up Comedyish Ironic Stuff Thinked up by the Comedy
LINKKI : thunk.fi
Maa: Suomi
Tandem Centaur is humorous (and occasionally humouristic) podcast in English by Markus Kajo, dealing both with absurdities and looking at the everyday life from a quite new perspective - as humour, irony, satire stand-up comedy and self-irony tend to